Lena Slabon M.Sc.

Lena Slabon M.Sc.

-Research Assistant-

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Institute for Geography
Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 21
D -- 55099 Mainz

Phone: +49 6131 39  28873
Fax: +49 6131 39 24735
Raum: 02-284
E-mail: lslabon[at]uni-mainz.de

Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung


Research Interests

Major Topics: Geomorphology, Geoarchaeology, Natural Hazards Research

Regions: Greece


Wintersemester 2023/2024

M14/M12alt HS & GP: Spezielle Physische Geographie "Nordsee"

Sommersemester 2023

M1/M1ED Übung: Geomorphologie E

M1/M1ED Übung: Geomorphologie F

Wintersemester 2022/2023

M14/M12alt HS & GP: Spezielle Physische Geographie "Geoarchäologie und Naturrisiken"


Poster: Evidence of a mid- to late Holocene lake environment in the vicinity of ancient Olympia (western Peloponnese, Greece) (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geomorphologie, Aachen)

Vortrag: A mid- to late Holocene lake environment and an associated, previously unknown building structure in ancient Olympia revealed by geoarchaeological investigations (Workshop Olympia, Olympia)

Vortrag: The “Lake of Olympia”: Geoarchaeological evidence of a mid- to late Holocene lake environment in the vicinity of ancient Olympia (western Peloponnese, Greece) (XXI INQUA Congress, Rom)

Poster: Previously unknown building structure revealed by geoarchaeological investigations at ancient Olympia (western Peloponnese, Greece) (18. Jahrestagung Arbeitskreis Geoarchäologie & 40. Jahrestagung Arbeitsgruppe Paläopedologie, Würzburg)


Slabon, L., Bäumler, S., Appel, E., Fiedler, S., Fischer, P., Obrocki, L., Pantelidis, G., Scherer, S., Thein, B., Willershäuser, T., Eder, B., Gehrke, H.-J., Lang F., Kolia, E.-I., Pilz, O., Wilken, D., Vött, A. (2025). A Previously Unknown Building Structure in Ancient Olympia (Western Peloponnese, Greece) Revealed by Geoarchaeological Investigations and Its Interpretation as a Possible Harbor. Heritage, 8(2), 38. DOI: 10.3390/heritage8020038



Vött, A., Hadler, H., Willershäuser, T., Slabon, A., Slabon, L., Wahlen, H., Fischer, P., Bungenstock, F., Röbke, B. R., Frechen, M., Grube, A., Sirocko, F. (2024). Possible Indication of the Impact of the Storegga Slide Tsunami on the German North Sea Coast around 8150 cal BP. Geosciences, 14(10), 262. DOI: 10.3390/geosciences14100262



Slabon, L., Obrocki, L., Fischer, P., Willershäuser, T., Lang, F., Gehrke, H.-J., Eder, B., Kolia, E.-I., Pilz, O., Wilken, D., Vött. A. (2023): The "Lake of Olympia": geoarchaeological evidence of a lake environment in the vicinity of ancient Olympia (western Peloponnese, Greece). In: Advances in On-and Offshore Archaeological Prospection: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection (pp. 31-36). DOI: 10.38072/978-3-928794-83-1/p5