Dr. Björn R. Röbke

Dr. Björn R. RöbkeDSCN1460c_sw
Advisor / Researcher Coastal Morphology
Postbus 177
2600 MH Delft

+31(0)88335 7517

E-mail: bjorn.robke@deltares.nl



Research interests

  • physical geography
  • coastal hazards
  • numerical modelling of hydro- and morphodynamics


Conferences, workshops and training courses

  • Training course Deltares, Modelling of sediment and bed dynamics in Delft3D, 29. –31.10.2014, Delft (Netherlands)
  • Training course Deltares, Hydrodynamic modelling in Delft3D, 27. –28.10.2014, Delft (Netherlands)
  • Annual conference of Arbeitskreis Geomorphologie, 02.-04.10.2014, Kiel (Germany) — talk: Numerical tsunami simulations for the western Peloponnese (Greece) considering different coastal palaeogeographies (talk)
  • Quaternary Research Association (QRA) Postgraduate Symposium, 27.-29.08.2014, Exeter (United Kingdom) — talk: Simulating tsunami scenarios for the Gulf of Kyparissia (western Peloponnese, Greece) using the solitary and N-wave theory
  • International conference on Hydrological Extreme events in historic and prehistoric times (HEX), 9.-15.06.2014, Bonn (Germany) — talk: Evaluating numerical simulation results by means of tsunami field evidence for Cape Katakolo and ancient Epitalio (western Peloponnese, Greece)
  • PhD workshop on hydrological modelling (AG HYDMOD), 15.–17.05.2014, Kassel (Germany) — talk: Connecting hydrological simulations and field observations—tsunami scenarios for Cape Katakolo and ancient Epitalio (western Greece)
  • Annual conference of Arbeitskreis Geographie der Meere und Küsten (AMK), 18. –20.04.2013, Cologne (Germany) — talk: Numerical simulation of tsunami inundation scenarios for the northern Gulf of Kyparissia (western Peloponnese, Greece)
  • CoastDoc-Workshop Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, 22.–23.10.2012, Geesthacht (Germany) — talk: Assessment of tsunami risks for the Gulf of Kyparissia (western Peloponnese, Greece) derived from numerical simulations and sedimentological and geomorphological field evidence



Hadler, H., Baika, K., Pakkanen, J., Evangelistis, D., Fischer, P., Ntageretzis, K., Röbke, B.R., Willershäuser, T. & Vött, A. (accepted): Palaeotsunami impact on the ancient harbour site Kyllini (western Peloponnese, Greece) based on a geomorphological multi-proxy approach. – Annals of Geomorphology, Supplementary Issues.

Fischer, P., Meurers-Balke, J., Gerlach, R., Bulla, A., Peine, H.-W., Kalis, A.J., Hadler, H., Willershäuser, T., Röbke, B.R., Finkler, C., Emde, K. & Vött, A. (accepted): Geoarchaeological and archaeobotanical investigations in the environs of the Holsterburg lowland castle (North Rhine-Westphalia) – evidence of landscape changes and saltwater upwelling. – Annals of Geomorphology, Supplementary Issues.

Röbke, B.R., Schüttrumpf, H., Wöffler, T., Fischer, P., Hadler, H., Ntageretzis, K., Willershäuser, T. & Vött, A. (2013): Tsunami inundation scenarios for the Gulf of Kyparissia (western Peloponnese, Greece) derived from numerical simulations and geoscientific field evidence. – Annals of Geomorphology, Supplementary Issues 57: 69–104.

Röbke, B.R., Schüttrumpf, H., Wöffler, T., Hadler, H., Willershäuser, T. & Vött, A. (2012): Tsunamis in the Gulf of Kyparissia (western Peloponnese, Greece) – risk assessment based on numeric simulation and field evidence. In: Schüttrumpf, H. & Tomasicchio, G.R. (eds.): Proceedings of the 5th International Short Conference on Applied Coastal Research 6th to 9 th June, 2011. Aachen: 560–569.